Barack Obama's Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) has created a website to post all of the financial contributions over $200 it's receiving. And the dough is rolling in.
I spent a few minutes perusing the site, which lists each donor's name, employer, city, state, zip code, and dollar amount given. I found four Charlotteans on the list. Three of them gave contributions of $250, $500, and $1,000. And the fourth, Robert Perkowitz, who is employed by Paradigm Management, Inc., gave $25,000. Also on the list is Mary Wheeler of Cornelius, who gave $50,000--the maximum amount allowed. There are 17 North Carolinians on the list so far.

Also on the list, which I'm sure will continue to grow leading up to the inauguration, are several big businessmen, oil and pharmaceutical company executives, married couples who contributed separately--usually the maximum amount--and celebrities. Finding celebrities is the most interesting. Those on the list include Halle Berry (she lists her employer as Bumper Inc.--I wonder if this has anything to do with her hit-and-run from a few years ago...that was a cheap shot, I know, but I love Halle!), Jamie Foxx, and Earvin "Magic" Johnson (that's how he listed his name). Each of them gave $50,000.
It doesn't appear that the recession is hurting Obama too much. But you have to give him credit for this level of transparency. You can check out the list at
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